If man wanted to eat pandas would they be endangered

“If man needed the panda’s meat would they be endangered? When there is an economical interest, people find a solution. Help Conservation International to preserve several species in Brazil and around the world.” (via Ads of the World)

This clever ad made me thinking. “If man wanted to eat pandas would they be endangered?”. Probably not. They would be growing and fed with every possible drug in terrible conditions in industrial scale cowhouses (or pandahouses), owned by mega corporations, who control the most of the food industry at the moment. What if cows then wouldn’t be useful to humans? Would they live in the wild? Well, maybe in India.

These ads are not questioning the survival of the cows, but they indeed make you thinking. The text asks:

If man needed the panda’s meat would they be endangered?

Pandas, anteaters and blue macaws are endangered species and they are needed to be helped by humans, but because they are not related to money in this money-hungry world, it won’t happen as easily.

I think these ads are working on many levels. The question is a strong statement. Are you ok with saving only the animals you eat? Don’t we and the ecosystem all together need these other animals? Do we love chickens so much because of the meat and eggs? Are we selfish (Yes)?

However, the drawback of this ad is the question itself. Without taking a position on does man really need meat, it would be better to ask: “If man wanted the panda’s meat would they be endangered?”. Anyway, this was a great ad. Check out the two other variations below.

Advertising Agency: Fischer America, Brazil

"If man needed the anteater's meat would they be endangered? When there is an economical interest, people find a solution. Help Conservation International to preserve several species in Brazil and around the world." (via Ads of the World)

“If man needed the anteater’s meat would they be endangered?
When there is an economical interest, people find a solution.
Help Conservation International to preserve several species in Brazil and around the world.”
(via Ads of the World)

"If man needed the macaw's meat would they be endangered? When there is an economical interest, people find a solution. Help Conservation International to preserve several species in Brazil and around the world." (via Ads of the World)

“If man needed the macaw’s meat would they be endangered?
When there is an economical interest, people find a solution.
Help Conservation International to preserve several species in Brazil and around the world.”
(via Ads of the World)

Kelmin Lumo

Author is a DJ, visual artist and web designer.

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One comment

  1. Robert Arthur

    Mr. Lumo, What a terrific impression these images make.

    I was reading something, and getting incensed at the environmental degradation of Chinese medicine and food fetishes, when I thought of a graphic to oppose it….a panda slaughterhouse….a look for “panda meat” found almost no one else’s graphics, and nothing as beautiful as yours.
    My son is an advertising student in Virginia, US, and I’ll have him follow you.
    Thank you.

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